
My name is Adam Biddlestone, a life-long Methodist, currently living and working in the Bristol area. I am originally from Birmingham with a background in church work and Primary School teaching. Currently, I am the Communication and Engagement Officer for the Methodist Churches in Bristol and South Gloucestershire.

Welcome to my website, Logos Resources. I've chosen the word logos because it is Greek for 'word' or 'message.' Here you will find Christian books, in which authors have used their words as they interpret and reflect on God's word and some of my own resources where I have used my own words to reflect on God's word. 

I have created this website for three main reasons. It is in its early stages, so please bear with me while more content gets added.

Firstly, to share some of the resources that I have created and continue to create. As I preach most Sundays, a new initiative is to write a creative version of the gospel reading to use in the worship I lead and to make them available to others. So many of the stories are very familiar to us. To hear a different version, maybe from the perspective of a character in the story or as dialogue between characters can help us to see new things, discover new meaning.                                                                                                                                         

AdamSecondly, many of the Christian bookshops on our High Streets have closed, making books less accessible to some. There is a wonderful wealth of Christian publications available and new titles are frequently appearing. So, through this website I am also selling a small selection of recently published Christian books.

Thirdly, to share links to organizations and places that I use and have found helpful.

I hope that you will enjoy exploring the website, using some of the resources and buying some of the books.